LACL, bâtiment P4 niveau 4, salle 423 (P4-423)comment aller au LACL, comment trouver la salle.
Abstract: We consider the synthesis problem on timed automata with Büchi objectives, where delay choices made by a controller are subjected to small perturbations. Usually, the controller needs to avoid punctual guards, such as testing the equality of a clock to a constant. In this work, we generalize to a robustness setting that allows for punctual transitions in the automaton to be taken by controller with no perturbation. In order to characterize cycles that resist perturbations in our setting, we introduce a new structural requirement on the reachability relation along an accepting cycle of the automaton. This property is formulated on the region abstraction, and generalizes the existing characterization of winning cycles in the absence of punctual guards. We show that the problem remains within PSPACE despite the presence of punctual guards.
Abstract: Timed languages contain sequences of discrete events ("letters") separated by real-valued delays, they can be recognized by timed automata, and represent behaviors of various real-time systems. The notion of bandwidth of a timed language defined in a previous paper characterizes the amount of information per time unit, encoded in words of the language observed with some precision ε. We identify three classes of timed automata according to the asymptotics of the bandwidth of their languages with respect to this precision ε: automata are either meager, with an O(1) bandwidth, normal, with a Θ(log (1/ε)) bandwidth, or obese, with Θ(1/ε) bandwidth. We define two structural criteria and prove that they partition timed automata into these 3 classes of bandwidth, implying that there are no intermediate asymptotic classes. Both criteria are formulated using morphisms from paths of the timed automaton to some finite monoids extending Puri's orbit graphs, and the proofs are based on Simon's factorization forest theorem. Joint work with E. Asarin, A.Degorre, C.Dima