Séminaire du 12 Janvier 2024


LRDE amphi 3 : comment y aller 14-16 rue Voltaire 94200 Le Kremlin-Bicetre


14h00-15h00 : Alexandre Duret-Lutz (EPITA) : Practical applications of the Alternating Cycle Decomposition

Abstract : In 2021, Casares, Colcombet, and Fijalkow introduced the Alternating Cycle Decomposition (ACD) to study properties and transformations of Muller automata. We present the first practical implementation of the ACD in two different tools, Owl and Spot, and adapt it to the framework of Emerson-Lei automata, i.e., ω-automata whose acceptance conditions are defined by Boolean formulas. The ACD provides a transformation of Emerson-Lei automata into parity automata with strong optimality guarantees: the resulting parity automaton is minimal among those automata that can be obtained by duplication of states. Our empirical results show that this transformation is usable in practice, and can generalize many other specialized constructions. This talk extends our TACAS'22 presentation with a crash course to reactive synthesis, the original motivation for implementing ACD in both Owl and Spot.

15h00-15h30: Jawher Jerray (Télécom Paris) : Integration of heterogeneous components for co-simulation.

Abstract : Because of their complexity, embedded systems are designed with sub-systems or components taken in charge by different development teams or entities and with different modeling frameworks and simulation tools, depending on the characteristics of each component. Unfortunately, this diversity of tools and semantics makes the integration of these heterogeneous components difficult. Thus, to evaluate their integration before their hardware or software is available, one solution would be to merge them into a common modeling framework. Yet, such a holistic environment supporting many computation and computation semantics seems hard to settle. Another solution we investigate is to generically link their respective simulation environments in order to keep the strength and semantics of each component environment. We present a method to simulate heterogeneous components of embedded systems in real-time. These components can be described at any abstraction level. Our main contribution is a generic glue that can analyze in real-time the state of different simulation environments and accordingly enforce the correct communication semantics between components.

15h30-16h00: pause café

16h00-16h30: vie du groupe