Telecom parisTech, salle C49: comment y aller
The arrival of new complex
processors has made the time analysis of the programs more
difficult while there is a growing need to integrate
uncertainties from all levels of the embedded systems
design. Probabilistic and statistical approaches are one
possible solution and they require appropriate proofs in order
to be accepted by both scientific community and industry. Such
proofs cannot be limited at processor or program level and in
this talk we provide hints on the possible interaction between
different design levels by using the probabilistic formulation
as compositional principle.
For the last two decades, complex
event processing under uncertainty has been widely studied,
but, nowadays, researches are still facing difficult
problems as combinatorial explosion or lack of
expressiveness. Numerous approaches have been proposed like
automate-based methods, probabilistic Petri-net, stochastic
context free grammars, or composed methods using first-order
logic and probabilistic graphical models.
technique has its own pros and cons that rely on the problem
structure and underlying assumptions. In our case, we want
to propose a model providing likelihood of a complex event
from long data streams produced by a simple, but large
system, in a reasonable amount of time. Furthermore, we want
this model to be able to consider prior knowledge on data
streams with an high degree of expressiveness.