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Abstract: Software engineering is concerned about techniques and tools to build software. In this field, software architectures have been proposed as a formal solution to the increasing complexity of software systems, elaborating on the idea of building composite systems out of reusable components that interact through well-defined provided and required interfaces. I will present in this talk my contributions to the development of composite systems with formal techniques for adaptation, automatic composition, and testing. Being developed by different third-parties, components to be reused in a composition often present mismatch. Adaptation is concerned about the automatic generation of software pieces, called adaptors, that solve in a non-intrusive way such mismatch. Going further, automatic composition addresses the (automatic) generation of composite systems being given a set of reusable components and an abstract description of the composite system's requirements. Finally, formal testing enables one to check for the conformance between the requirement and an implementation of a component. Since basic interfaces are insufficient to address issues such as composition correctness, I support in my work components equipped with behavioral interfaces, describing not only what is provided or required by a component, but also the related usage protocols.
Abstract: The provenance of workflow is an important supportive component concerns the knowledge sharing, product reusability and process verification. Nowadays the development of cloud computing offers the new application opportunities and research challenges, such as integrity, privacy, security and legal related problems. In this paper, we model an Open Provenance Model (OPM) and a Web Service Security prolicy (WS-S) as Colored Petri net (CPN) for diagnosis based on the provenance information.