Séminaire du 4 octobre 2013


LIPN: comment y aller


14h00-15h00: Monika Heiner, Univ. Cottbus, "From Petri Nets to Partial Differential Equations"

Abstract:transparents The talk discusses two techniques to deal with Partial Differential Equations by means of coloured Petri nets and shows how they can be applied within the spirit of BioModel Engineering to encode spatial attributes of dynamic systems.

15h00-15h30 : Ariane Piel, Univ. Paris 13, "A modular concurrent coloured Petri net model for complex event processing"

Abstract:transparents Given the constant increase of the quantity of data produced, equally in industrial fields such as aeronautics and in medical environments for example, it is more and more necessary to dispose of a complex event processing (CEP) tool allowing to make sense of the data and eventually react accordingly. This work studies CEP through a formal temporal language called chronicles, which allows the formal description of behaviours within complex systems. A recognition process detecting these described behaviours within an event flow resulting from the operation of the system is formalised. This formal approach is highly interesting for the study of complex systems such as aerospace systems : these generally involve several interacting agents, are very elaborate, and, furthermore, require simulation since they are both too expensive and too critical to be directly studied. Formal behaviour detection is a convenient method allowing, in a non-intrusive way, to evidence within a very complex simulation the data necessary to understand finely the behaviour of some agents.

We present the recognition process of the chronicle language which is formalised in a set semantics combined with an operational recognition model provided by a modular coloured Petri net semantics which we prove to be adequate with the set definition of the recognition notion. This operational model is two-layered: it is composed of a concurrent, nondeterministic recognition model for each chronicle construct, together with additional control structures allowing to overview the recognition treatments performed on the event flow while retaining some concurrency. In addition, the Petri net recognition model has a modular structure which was necessary to map the structure of the language and which was an important constraint. The recognition process is illustrated through an application from the aerospace field: overseeing the consistency between the three entities of an unmanned aircraft system in the case of one or multiple breakdowns.

15h30-16h00: pause café

16h00-16h30: vie du groupe